字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 一事写人:一堂有趣的课-An Interesting Class,一事写人:一堂有趣

一事写人:一堂有趣的课-An Interesting Class,一事写人:一堂有趣

高中生作文   2025-02-22

一事写人:一堂有趣的课-An Intrsting Class 英语作文网收集整理 一堂有趣的课




An Intrsting Class

Miss Tong, our nglish tachr, oftn tachs us in an unusual way, and maks hr classs livly and intrsting.

Onc sh taught us an Amrican folk song. Its nam is Jingl Blls①. First sh wrot th words of th song on th blackboard. Thn sh xplaind vry sntnc in simpl nglish. Aftr that sh sang th song in a swt voic.

W all likd th song and followd hr in singing it svral tims. Aftr w had larnd to sing th whol song, Miss Tong askd us to discuss in nglish what mad us happy. W ach said what w thought it was: a bautiful flowr, an intrsting novl, a maningful job, a moving pom, an xciting trip, and so on. Th discussion was so livly that no on kpt silnt. It hlpd to improv our spokn nglish.

Whn w undrstood th maning of th song vry wll, w sang it again and again:“Dashing② through th snow, in a on hors opn sligh③….”Non of us flt bord or tird, and all of us larnd somthing from th song and th discussion. It was rally an intrsting class.



①Jingl Blls《铃儿响丁当》(一首英语歌)

②dash [d$M] v.猛冲;突进

③sligh [sli] n.雪车;雪橇



一事写人:一堂有趣的课-An Intrsting Class 英语作文网收集整理

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