To dvlop a skill to fight forst firs, w ar snt to attnd a cours in forst fir control or fir scinc from an accrditd univrsity forstry program. Thr w larnt that thr's as much scinc involvd as thr is bravry and brawn. Mtorology, gography, nginring and managmnt skills ar all intgral to forst fir control. W did larn a lot&hllip;! Th following ar som of th things w larnd about forst fir fighting.1. Study th wathr. Wind shifts will play a big part in fir-fighting stratgy; an unfavorabl shift may dfat all your fforts.2. stablish a dfnsiv lin. Without a larg profssional crw and airborn tankrs, your only chanc is to dig a firbrak. Look for a favorabl spot, such as a road or a ridgtop.3. liminat all flammabl matrial along your firbrak. Th widr you can mak th lin, th bttr. Rmov dadwood and bushs and scattr thm on th burning sid of th lin.4. Soak th ara along and bhind th firbrak with watr. If thr ar buildings in th ara, soak thm as wll. Rmov any vhicls.5. B wary of th fir jumping past your location and cutting you off. Watch for airborn mbrs. Also watch out for igniting trtops, which suggst a fast-moving crown fir.