字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 方面传记:我受的教育-My Education

方面传记:我受的教育-My Education

高中生作文   2025-02-10








My ducation

I startd primary school whn I was six yars old. My primary school was vry clos to my hom. School startd at ight in th morning and finishd at half past four in th aftrnoon. Thr was a lunch brak①from twlv o'clock to two o'clock and I usd to go hom for lunch. Som othr childrn did th sam as m. W usd to play tabl tnnis togthr in th playground bfor aftrnoon classs startd. Whn I was at primary school, I larnd rading, writing and simpl maths.

Whn I was twlv, I sat th ntranc xamination②to junior scondary school. I flt worrid bfor I hard th rsults. I was vry plasd whn I hard that I had passd succssfully. Whn I was at junior scondary school, I larnd Chins, maths, history, gography and nglish. My favourit subjct was history. Th history tachr was vry kind and usd to tll us intrsting storis.

Whn I was fiftn, I sat th ntranc xamination for snior scondary school. Whil I was waiting for th rsult, I again flt vry worrid. Whn I passd this xamination, I was givn my first bicycl. I had to cycl③fiv kilomtrs to school vry morning. Aftr I wnt to snior scondary school, I workd vry hard. For xampl, I did thr hours homwork vry vning. Howvr, snior scondary school was not only hard work. At th wknds, I was abl to hav tim off to play football and tabl tnnis.



①lunch brak ['l)ntM brik] 午休(时间)

②sit th ntranc xamination(to,for)参加……入学考试

③cycl['saikl] v.骑自行车



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