字典翻译 作文 小学作文 小学生作文 玩笑(A Joke)

玩笑(A Joke)

小学生作文   2025-03-09

玩笑(A Jok)玩笑(a jok)thr was a cav full of lots of vampir bats. onc, a bat calld andy cam hom lat and thr was of blood all ovr his body.all of his frinds and family askd him whr th blood cam from, and askd him to tak plac. h didn't want to tll thm at first, but aftr a whil, h said "follow m, folks".thn thy flw ovr a vally, crossd a rivr, and stoppd in front of a ston. andy askd "do you guys s that tr?" and his frinds all answrd "ys" and thn andy said "i didn't".

标签: 凋零 枫叶
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