字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 关于生活变化(Changes in Our Life)

关于生活变化(Changes in Our Life)

初中生作文   2024-12-02

关于生活变化(Changs in Our Lif)ovr th past twnty yars or so, grat changs hav takn plac in our lif. tak my family for xampl. my parnts contactd othrs mainly by snding thm lttrs in th past. but now w call long distanc at hom. and onc my parnts listnd to th radio for nws and othr information. but now w gt th nws by watching tv. anothr big chang is in my living conditions. whn thy got marrid about twnty yars ago, my parnts livd in a small room crowdd with fiirnitur. but now w hav movd into a big nw thr-room apartmnt. in short, our lif has bcom comfortabl and convnint.

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