字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 Great-Grandfather Yee-外曾祖父,Great-Grandfather Yee-外曾祖

Great-Grandfather Yee-外曾祖父,Great-Grandfather Yee-外曾祖

高中生作文   2024-12-03

Grat-Grandfathr Y-外曾祖父 由 Grat-grandfathr Y is my mothr’s grand-Fathr. H was th third son of th family. His Fathr was a railroad workr in th Unitd Stats In th 1580’s.Famin, povrty, and political Unrst in Mainland China spurrd many Chins To California. And storis of jobs, gold, and rich Frtil farming land sprad fast at hom in China. Consquntly, many popl wantd to com to Th Unitd Stats. At th ag of 17 my grat-Grandfathr and his thr brothrs and frinds Saild across th Pacific Ocan in on small Chins boat. H rturnd to China only thr Tims and only for a brif intrval. H had Kung-Fu and oftn told us of his lif. H had Grat prid in bing indpndnt his ys Waknd as h got oldr. On day h fll down From stairs, and h did in th hospital at th ag Of 88. H lovd to laugh and play in small Childrn’s gams. This is how I rmmbr him with warmth. Grat-Grandfathr Y-外曾祖父 由

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