我的老房子(My old house)
Today, i wnt to my old hous. i livd in it two yars ago. whn i am at school, i oftn think of my old hous bcaus it mad m happy in th past. my old hous is vry tidy but old. it has only on lvl and thr ar just two rooms in it. i slpt with my mothr and my fathr vr vning. my old hous is btwn two high houss, so it looks vry small but lovly. whn i livd in my old hous, i oftn playd with my sistr at th wknds. but now i can’t, so i fl a littl sad. two yars ago, i could shar my flings with my parnts too, but thy wr sparat at last. so my old hous is my favourit plac. if i hav som troubl, i think of it and my parnts, i’ll always gt lots of nrgy. i will thn forgt th troubl soon. do you think my old hous is a wondrful plac? ys, it’s my grat palac.
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