字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 我家有了电子邮件-My Family Has E-mail Box

我家有了电子邮件-My Family Has E-mail Box

初中生作文   2025-02-19

我家有了电子邮件-My Family Has -mail Box“叔叔来信了!”我高兴地喊道。可这封来信与以往叔叔寄来的信不同。这是一封电子邮件!很久以前叔叔就到美国去了。他非常关心我的学习情况,因此经常写信给我。但是他的信要经过很长时间才能到。几年以后,我们家装了电话,这样我们交流起来就方便多了,可费用也升上去了。现在好了,我们都买了电脑并且可以上因特网。这样我们可以随时交谈,而且花费并不多。世界真是越变越好了。

"Hr coms uncls lttr!" I shoutd happily. But this lttr was diffrnt from thos h snt to m bfor. It was an mail! My uncl wnt to th Unitd Stats long ago. But h card about my study and lif vry much. So h wrot m oftn. But it would tak a long tim for his lttr to arriv. Svral yars latr, my family st up a tlphon st, It bcam asir for us to communicat, but w cost mor mony by calling ach othr. Now w both had a computr and could gt on th Intmt. Thn w could talk to ach othr any tim w wantd to, and it wouldn't cost much.Th world is changing, and it is changing bttr and bttr.

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