字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 Harvest,Harvest范文


初中生作文   2025-02-05

Harvst,Harvst范文Harvst Harvst

This is a harvst sason. In th goldn autumn, th farmrs harvst th rip what. Tachrs harvst th fruits of thir labor, bcaus thir studnts hav grown up.

I also harvst, bcaus I think I hav grown up, too. I oftn har somon say, “tim flis.” To us, tim is fair to vrybody. Tim and tid wait for no man. I hav rad a book. Th writr said, “don’t rpnt whn you ar old.” So w must do vrything w want to do. W should spnd mor tim on our study. Don’t wast tim. So that whn w ar old w won’t fl rgrtful.

Popl oftn say, “tim is knowldg.” If you hav knowldg, you will hav a brightr futur. Thn you will hav an idal lif.

Now, I hav harvstd ths kys to succss. I bliv I can us ths kys to opn it and gt mor harvst.


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