字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 如何保护世界濒危物种(How to protect the world's endangered species)

如何保护世界濒危物种(How to protect the world's endangered species)

高中生作文   2025-01-27

today thr ar many ndangrd spcis in th world. it’s tim to do somthing for th animals which ar almost xtinct.what w should do? first, finding what th sourc of th situation is. popl hav dstroyd th nvironmnt. popl hav huntd for mat. actually, wild animals ar ndangrd by som man’s bhavior.what can w do? th first is to mak laws to protct ndangrd spcis. on othr usful thing is to crat protctiv aras. it could crat a saf nvironmnt for animals to liv in.snding animals to th zoo is not th bst choic, but bttr than hav bn killd.basically, w must hav th moral charactr to protct th animals, and w must continu living by sharing th land with th othr diffrnt animals.

标签: 争做 守法 公民
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