字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 功能说明:广告的作用-The Role of Advertisement

功能说明:广告的作用-The Role of Advertisement

高中生作文   2025-01-31









Th Rol of Advrtismnt

Advrtismnt has bn calld “th voic of businss”, for it announcs nw products and dscribs nw uss and improvd faturs of familiar ons. It sks to mak popl know th things thy nd and to mak thm want to buy ths things, and it tlls what products or srvics ar on th markt, and how thy can b obtaind①.

Th advrtismnt plays a vital② rol in th sprad-out and flow of goods. It puts up a bridg btwn factoris or companis and shops, or stors and customrs. ithr sid of thm has no difficulty in finding cooprativ partnrs.

Advrtismnts lad to improving products by stimulating comptition③. Through advrtismnts, companis slling th sam or similar products try to win ach othr for th attntion of th buyrs. Th comptition forcs companis to improv thir products so that popl will buy thm.

Advrtismnts can also lowr th prics of products by crating th mass dmand, or mass markts that hlp support mass production. Mass production lowrs th costs of manufacturing④, and thn th manufacturr can lowr his slling prics. As a rsult, customrswill buy commoditis⑤ at chap prics.


①obtain[+b'tin] v.获得;得到

②vital['vaitl] a.极其重要的;必不可少的

③stimulat comptition['stimjulit ?k&mpi'tiM+n] 刺激竞争

④manufactur[?m$nju'f$ktM+] v.(大量)制造;加工

⑤commodity[k+'m&d+ti] n.日用品;商品


1)本文是讲广告功能的说明文。文章单刀直入、开门见山,没有引言段,直接写出了广告的四种作用。每段写一种功能,各段第一句均为主题句,支撑句 (supporting sntncs)都用来展开各个主题句中的制约思想。第一段阐述“企业的喉舌”,第二段说明“在商品流通中的重要作用”,第三段写“通过刺激竞争改进产品质量”,第四段写“创造批量生产降低价格”。

2)第一段中“familiar ons”中的“ons”是代词的指称(rfrnc)用法,它指代前面的“products”一词。这样做可以避免无表达力的重复(inxprssiv rptition)。但是,“to buy ths things”中的“things”则不能用代词“thm”指称,否则会产生歧义(ambiguity)现象,读者搞不清“thm”指的是上文的“things”还是“popl”。

3)第一段中“it tlls”中的代词“it”最好不要省掉,因为整个句子并列成分多,如果只用“tlls”,句子开头的主语“It”离得太远,会使读者产生误解。

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