字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 希望工程(project Hope)

希望工程(project Hope)

初中生作文   2025-02-14

希望工程(projct Hop)in class, our tachr told us somthing about projct hop. sh said som childrn in th country couldn't go to school bcaus thir parnts wr too poor to snd thir childrn to school. sh calld on us to hlp out.aftr school i rturnd hom. i wasgratly movd by this. what should i do for projct hop? i was wondring about this whn i saw th mony collction box on th tabl. thn i dcidd to snd my pockt mony, which i had savd for narly on yar, to th childrn who wantd to go to school. i wrot a lttr to thm and hurrid to th post offic. togthr with th lttr, ipostd th mony and snt my bst wishs to thm.“希望工程”英语作文译文:上课时老师对我们讲了关于希望工程的事情。她说一些农村的孩子由于他们的父母太贫穷了,不能送他们上学。老师号召我们帮助这些贫困孩子。放学后我回到家中。我被这一切深深地打动了。我该为希望工程做点什么呢?我正在思索着,突然看到桌子上的储蓄盒。于是我决定把我积攒的钱邮给那些盼望上学的农村的孩子们,这些钱是我将近一年的储蓄。我给他们写了一封信,然后急忙朝邮局走去。伴随着信中的衷心祝福我把钱邮了出去。

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