我的父母(My parents)
我的父母(My parnts)I hav a busy fathr and a kind mothr.My fathr is a businssman. H is 42 yars old. H is short. H liks rading nwspaprs aftr mals. H watchs TV in th vning. H gos to work by car. H has got a nic black car. H oftn plays golf with his frinds on th wknd. H dos not oftn at dinnr with us.My mothr is a houswif. Sh dosn’t work. Sh stays at hom. Sh is bautiful. Sh has long hair. Sh dos houswork in th morning. Sh oftn gos shopping in th aftrnoon. Sh is kind, but sh is strict to my study. Sh liks rading. Sh watchs TV at night, too.I lov my parnts. And thy lov m too.
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