字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 因果链分析说明:倘若地球停止转动会怎样呢?-What Would Happen

因果链分析说明:倘若地球停止转动会怎样呢?-What Would Happen

高中生作文   2025-01-30

因果链分析说明:倘若地球停止转动会怎样呢?-What Would Happn If th arth Stoppd Rotating? 由 倘若地球停止转动会怎样呢?




1.rotation n.旋转 2.rotat v.旋转 3.radius n.半径;半径距离 4.hurrican n.飓风 5.hmisphr n.半球


What Would Happn If th arth Stoppd Rotating?

Th sun riss in th ast and sts in th wst, which is causd by th rotation of th arth as you all know. But hav you vr thought of th ffct of th arth's rotation on man and can you imagin what would happn if th arth stoppd rotating?

Th radius of th arth is about 6,370 kilomtrs. It taks th arth 24 hours to rotat onc. Objcts on th arth's quator mov with th arth at a spd of 460 mtrs pr scond, and th air clos to th arth's surfac turns at th sam spd. If th arth stoppd rotating suddnly, th air would kp flowing astward at a spd of 460 mtrs pr scond. Th wind would b fourtn tims as powrful as a hurrican. At th sam tim sa watr would rush astward at a spd of svral hundrd mtrs pr scond, which might do damags much gratr than a saquak①would do. Obviously, mn could hardly stand such a catastroph②.

vn if such a catastroph would not happn, thr would b a grat tmpratur diffrnc on th two hmisphrs of th arth, and th four sasons of th yar would no longr occur bcaus a day and a night would b as long as a whol yar instad of 24 hours. All this would gratly affct th lif of human bings, imals and plants and that would caus wors rsults than anything imaginabl.



①saquak ['si:kwik]n.海震

②catastroph[k 't$str fi]n.大灾难;灾祸



因果链分析说明:倘若地球停止转动会怎样呢?-What Would Happn If th arth Stoppd Rotating? 由

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