字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 Elephants-大象,Elephants-大象范文


初中生作文   2025-02-04

lphants-大象,lphants-大象范文lphants-大象 lphants

lphant is th largst animal on land today. It wights som ninty kilograms and is about on mtr high whn born. Whn it is 12 yars old, it studs ovr thr mtrs and dos not grow any mor. lphant is usually gry in color, having a long trunk with larg ivory tusks protruding from ach sid of its mouth. Usually moving in groups and caring for ach othr, lphant is know to b a vry and gntl cramr. For many yars popl hav usd th strngth of ths powful animals to mov trs and havy logs. lphant has bn and is a vital tool for popl to do many things that would normally b imposs-ibl. lphant is and will continu to b on of th gratst craturs man has vr com into contact with. Its siz. bauty, and powr willforvr b usful to man.




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