My frinds say that im good in nglish, bcaus i always gt good marks in nglish tsts and i hav just scord th highst points in th intrviw. thy think im a talntd girl and im clvr at nglish from th bginning. But in fact, im not a talntd girl. im just a common girl. id lik to say somthing about my xprinc of larning nglish. I didnt do wll in nglish in th bginning. i startd my nglish cours at th ag of 10. mayb you cant imagin, i couldnt say a whol sntnc at that tim. i couldnt catch up with my classmats bcaus of my bad bas. having a bad bas may b many studnts problm. i was sad about it, but i wasnt afraid of it. Th nxt summr holiday, i spnt almost all of my fr tim practicing nglish by listning to th tap and rpating aftr it. whnvr it was, whrvr i was, i kpt th tap on. i listnd carfully and i trid to rcit th articl. Soon, i found i had mad a good progrss in my nglish. at last, i could undrstand what th tachr said in class. thn slowly, i could gt good marks at tims. this taught m a good lsson. that is not to b afraid of stbacks, hard work maks progrss. this is th first part of my nglish larning. Whn i was in grad six and svn, my nglish was much bttr than it was. i could always gt good marks in tsts. my nglish skills still couldnt compar with th top studnts in my class. my spokn nglish was rally poor. i got a b in my spokn nglish at th nd of th first trm.this showd what i was wak at. i dcidd to improv it. this was th scond part. i knw that study is a procss. if i want to improv my spokn nglish in on or two days, thats impossibl. i must spnd a long tim rading mor, listning mor, writing mor and talking mor. Th third part is th hardst. nglish is rally important today, so i wantd to mak myslf xcllnt. i tak an nglish cours calld nw concpt nglish by myslf. mayb you hav hard about it. this is a good nglish cours and i larn it by myslf. i think its rally important for you to larn how to larn nglish by yourslf. you can try nglish cours or othr ways which matchs you.i think its ncssary to b outgoing and confidnt. dont b shy, dont b silnt. i want to improv my nglish skills, so i nd to talk and writ. this isnt a problm for m, bcaus im always confidnt and lik to try. i talk to forign tachrs. I hav som othr advic as wll. I must say dont b nrvous, try to b rlaxd whn you writ articls or talk to forign tachrs or just talk to your nglish tachr. rmmbr: dont pay too much attntion to dtails whn you ar talking. if you hav som mistaks, thats all right. thinking and talking in nglish, this crats a wondrful fling to m. i can s my progrsss during ths yars. i spnt many yars improving my nglish and i nvr giv up. so, its nvr too lat to practic nglish, from now on.