字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 Young teachers or elderly teachers

Young teachers or elderly teachers

高中生作文   2025-03-12

Young tachrs or ldrly tachrs

Opinions ar dividd on this qustion. Som studnts may lik ldrly tachrs' taching bcaus thy think ldrly tachrs hav mor taching xprinc and that thy tnd to b patint and carful with xplanations. Howvr, I prfr to b taught by young tachrs. Firstly, w studnts hav much in common with thm. So thy ar our frinds as wll as our tachrs. Scondly, thy ar mor .nrgtic and nthusiastic. Usually thy can mak thir classs livly and intrsting. Bsids, thy ar mor rady to accpt or crat nw idas, including taching. Thirdly, most young tachrs dvot thmslvs to thir work, making thm tach crativly and ffctivly.

In a word, I prfr young tachrs to ldrly tachrs.

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