Through th changs'in th ways Of making a living in a family ovr svral gn,rations, man has bn warnd against wast of natural rsourcs and mphasizing th urgnt nd to prsrv ths rsourcs.
vr sinc man appard on th arth, man's survival has bn havily rlid on natur. Almost vrything w us in our vryday lif coms fromm'notat, ranging from th food w at, th watr w drink, to th wood which is tm'nd into furnitur.With th dvlopmnt of tchnology and population growth, th amount and rang of matrials usd has incrasd at an alarming rat.Howvr, natural rsourcs ar not inxhaustibl. Som rsrvs ar alrady on th brink of xhaustion and thr is no hop of rplacing thm. Th widsprad watr shortag is an xampl in point. If man continud to squandr natural rsourcs with no thought for th futur, th latr gnrations would b in dangr. It is up to us to tak ffctiv masurs bfor th situation gts out of hand.