字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 My favourite colour,My favourite colour范文

My favourite colour,My favourite colour范文

初中生作文   2025-02-03

My favourit colour,My favourit colour范文My favourit colour My favourit colour

Thr’r many diffrnt kinds of colour in th world, such as whit, blu, orang, rd, and so on. But my favourit colour is grn.

I think grn is th most bautiful colour. Do you know why? Bcaus grn is th colour of lif. Do you think so? As you know, most aliv plants ar grn, lik grass and trs. Grn is good for our ys, too. Whn your ys ar vry tird, you will watch th grn trs or grn grass, thy can hlp you to rlax your ys. And I think grn is th natur colour, I lov natur things. Ohm, to tll you th truth, I don’t know why I am lik grn, only lik it. Mayb it’s th colour of th lif or……

Can you tll m what your favourit colour is? My favourit colour

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