Life Is a Struggle
Lif is a struggl. I shall nvr forgt th most striking part of Hnry Wadsworth Longfllow s pom -- A Psalm of Lif: "In th worlds blood fild of battl, In th bivouac of lif, B not lik dumb, drivn cattl! B a hro in th strif!" Ludwig van Bthovn was a typical "hro in th strif". H was not only on of th gratst composrs, but also on of th most prsvring mn. As a daf man, h wnt on working with his strong will in th last yar of his lif, though h was not abl to har his own fin and original music. Anothr xampl of prsistnc in struggl is Dng Yaping. Sh onc said that hr tchniqu cam from continuous training, mphasizing th importanc of daily practic to a playr. As a studnt, I sm to b in a boat sailiug against th currnt. I must mak an ffort to forg ahad. A littl carlssnss will rsult in bing drivn back. Indd, larning is a struggl against idlnss and carlssnss. Following th xampls of Ludwig van Bthovn and Dng Yaping, I shall tak grat pains to urg myslf on, moving stadily forward lik a hroic boatman in th rough sa of knowldg.