字典翻译 作文 体裁作文 写人 我们的英语老师


写人   2025-03-01

Manson was our oral nglish tachr in th middl school. Whn h cam to th classroom for th first tim, th Canadian man gav us a vry dp imprssion: agd about 40, hook-nosd, brown hair, a littl fat. H grtd us with a big toothy smil which soundd xaggratd. But w wr all amusd by his xaggratd smil.His classs wr frsh and intrsting. In th cours of taching, h told us a lot about his strang mrchant lif in Canada. H also dscribd to us th pictur of popl crazily shopping during th Christmas sason. H oftn slctd various unusual topics for us to discuss in class such as: Will you marry or stay singl in futur? Do you want to hav a boyfrind or a girlfrind?What would you do if it was th last day of th world? W wr so intrstd in th topics that w all dard to spak th truth with diffrnt funny answrs in class. This kind of communication aidd much plasur to our dull lif. Not infrquntly, h organizd us to prform rol-play in class. W tastd much frshnss whn w playd diffrnt rols. W all found that w had larnd a lot from his classs.Manson oftn actd lik a youngstr. Whnvr h saw th boys playing football in th fild, h would join thm. H was not a good playr, but h would try his bst to prform wll. H also practicd "Taiji"----a traditional Chins xrcis in his spar tim. H vn prformd it in class occasionally, which rsultd in a burst of laughtr.Manson smd to hav no troubl in his lif xcpt for wight. H told us that h nvr stoppd struggling to los wight. On day whn h ntrd th classroom, somon mntiond to him that h lookd slimmr. "Rally? h rspondd promptly, smiling with his shinning tth. To confirm th truth, h stppd onto a chair and dancd in a circl. H lookd lik a lovly panda at th momnt. W all burst into laughtr.Manson's uniqu humor and unusual taching not only widnd our sight but also brought grat joy to our lif. W all thought it our good luck to hav such a wondrful forignr as our nglish tachr.

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