字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 移步换景:雪后的校园-Our Schoolyard After the Snow,移步换景:

移步换景:雪后的校园-Our Schoolyard After the Snow,移步换景:

高中生作文   2025-02-23

移步换景:雪后的校园-Our Schoolyard Aftr th Snow 雪后的校园




Our Schoolyard Aftr th Snow

On wintr morning, I got up arly. It was still dark. Whn I pushd th door opn, vrything was covrd with snow. I hurrid through my brakfast, and thn wnt to school with my bag on my back and a shovl①in my hand.

Whn I rachd school, I saw th lights wr still on. Immdiatly I rushd to th classroom, but to my surpris, I saw nobody thr. Thn I ran to th playground. Thr I saw most of th studnts trying to clar th snow on th paths. How hard thy wr working. I joind thm in th work. Soon th snow was rmovd. Thn w all cam back to th classroom, laughing, talking, and singing. As soon as th bll rang at th nd of th class, w rushd out of th classrooms to th playground. Oh, thr was so much snow! W at onc startd playing. Som of us bgan to fight with snow balls. Som wr rolling on th snow ground. Still som othrs piling up a snowman. In th cntr of th playground, many studnts wr skating on th ic. Som of thm could not skat and had many falls.

Our hands and facs turnd rd with cold, w wr also wt all ovr, but w didn't mind.

Th trs around th schoolyard lookd lik hug mn with silvr cloths dfnding our school. Byond, snow-covrd mountains in th distanc lookd lik an lphant mad of wax②.

What a wondrful scn!



①shovl ['M)v l] n. 铲;铁锨;铁锹

②wax [w$ks] n. 蜡;蜡状物;蜂蜡



移步换景:雪后的校园-Our Schoolyard Aftr th Snow

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