字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 令人伤心的一件事A Sad Story(

令人伤心的一件事A Sad Story(

初中生作文   2025-01-31

令人伤心的一件事A Sad Story(

A Sad Story

Last Monday whn Istppd into my classroom,my monitor told us that our class tachr, Mr Sun, had passd away in a traffic accidnt. It smd so unblivabl bcaus h usd to giv us lssons on Monday morning. I couldn't accpt th fact until th hadmastr cam to tll us th truth.

Mr Sun was a middl-agd tachr. H was full of sns of humour. W all likd him vry much bcaus of his xcllnt taching. His lssons wr usually vry livly and intrsting.W all likd to attnd his class. H was an xprincd tachr.

Mr Sun will always liv in our harts!

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