字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 我被抓住了(I Was Caught)

我被抓住了(I Was Caught)

初中生作文   2025-02-20

我被抓住了(I Was Caught)i bcam vry intrstd in obsrving stars whn i was vry young. so did my bst frind, lin lin, who livd nxt door. onc w hard that th hally comt would fly back th nxt saturday and was agr to obsrv it.w spnt all th mony on a tlscop and dcidd to gathr on th balcony at 11 o'clock on saturday night. i was agrly looking forward to having a look at th comt.it was quit and dark. stars wr twinkling in th sky. i lay on th bd and couldn't fall aslp. i must go out vry quitly and not lt my parnts know. it was tn to lvn. i got up. my parnts wr slping. i coughd softly. thy mad no raction. i put th pillow in th quilt, and it smd that somon was insid. i walkd on tipto to th door. suddnly, my fathr turnd ovr. i stoppd. nothing hap pnd any mor. i gropd in th darknss. i opnd th door and didn't dar to turn on th light. i rlaxd whn i saw lin lin.two hours passd bfor w knw it. i opnd th door vry slowly and quitly. first, i poppd my had in. quickly my smil was rasd. in th room, th light was dazzling bright. my fathr was glaring at m. oh, gosh! i was caught.“我被抓住了”英语作文译文:我小时候对观察星星非常感兴趣。我最好的朋友、住在我家隔壁的林林也这样。有一次我们听说哈雷彗星下一个星期六将飞回来,我急切地想看到它。我们花了所有的钱买了一个望远镜,并且约好周六晚上11点在阳台见面。我热切地期待着看一看彗星。天黑人静,星星在天上闪烁。我躺在床上睡不着。我必须悄悄地出去,不惊动我的父母。11点差10分,我起床了。爸爸妈妈还在睡觉,我轻轻地咳嗽了一声,他们没有反应。我在被子里放了一个枕头。让它看起来就像有人在里面似的。我蹑手蹑脚地走到门旁。突然爸爸翻了个身,我停了下来,什么也没再发生。我在黑暗中摸索着,我打开门,没敢开灯。当我看见林林时我放松了。不知不觉中两个小时过去了,我们回家了,我非常轻非常慢地把门打开。我先把头伸出来。我脸上的笑容立即消失了。屋里灯火通明,爸爸正盯着我。天哪,我被抓住了。

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