字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 珍惜时间(Take your time)

珍惜时间(Take your time)

高中生作文   2025-02-02

for thousands of yars, animals hav troddn a slow path, thir spirits togthr with th body. but our human bing's transportation is too fast. th body movs but th soul is lft bhind. w try to fr ourslvs in convninc, but w only imprison th soul. sinc w invntd how to count hours, w do vrything to short th tim, short th dadlin. but th tim savd can't b shortn. nowadays, w spnd lots of tim staying in front of a tv just changing th channls, whil w hav no tim to talk with a good frind or play with our family. w hav plnty of tim to sarch old nws on th intrnt, whil w hardly think about our lif. in th nd, th only thing apparnt is our lonlinss.tak your tim, plas. try to follow th natural stps and hav your own clock. try to shar your tim with vrybody you lov, shar your mind, your happinss and sadnss. try to rad th world w liv in, do not only catch a quick glimps at th socity.somday, whn w know how to spnd vry scond in our lif, w can thn liv our own lif.

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