字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 Confucius-孔子,Confucius-孔子范文


高中生作文   2025-02-26

Confucius-孔子 Twnty-fiv hundrd yars ago lif in China was vry hard. Most of th popl wr hoplssly poor. Into ths tims on of China’s grat ladrs was born. H was Confucius. Confucius cam from a nobl family, but his parnts wr poor. His fathr did whn Confucius was only thr yars old. Th boy was a good and obdint son to his mothr. H grw up to b quit, thoughtful, and studious. As Confucius watchd th popl around him, h bcam agr to hlp thm. At last h lft his family and startd out his studnts to b honst and kind, and to honor thir parnts. H taught thm that a good man nvr lts himslf gt angry. Many of his savings wr gathrd togthr and writtn down. On of his famous savings is “Do not do to othrs what you do not wish othrs to do to you. “ For yars h wandrd from provinc to provinc sprading his idas to all who would listn to him. Confucius-孔子

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