字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 我的老师- My Teacher

我的老师- My Teacher

高中生作文   2025-03-21

My Tachr, Li xin-我的老师——李欣

Li xin, a young lady of 23 from xinjiang, has bn a middl-school tachr of nglish for thr yars. sh is slim and bautiful, and always has a nic smil on hr fac.

Sh was born for taching and dos a grat jib. In hr class, sh can gt hr studnts involvd in larning and doing xrciss. Thy ar attractd by th topics sh givs and this maks hr class livly. As a rsult, most studnts lik to b in hr class.

Li Xin is a good tachr not only bcaus sh has a good way of taching, but also bcaus sh lovs hr studnts and nvr spoil thm. Sh is kind and considrat, and is rady to hlp hr studnts who mt with difficultis.

My tachr, Li Xin, is not only our good tachr, but also our bst frind. W all lik hr and will rmmbr hr forvr.






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