字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 给儿子的信(A Letter to My Son)

给儿子的信(A Letter to My Son)

高中生作文   2025-04-01

dar sth,you’r only thr yars old, and at this point in your lif you can't rad, much lss undrstand what i’m going to try to tll you in this lttr. but i'v bn thinking a lot about th lif that you hav ahad of you, about my lif so far as i rflct on what i'v larnd, and about my rol as a dad in trying to prpar you for th trials that you will fac in th coming yars.you won't b abl to undrstand this lttr today, but somday, whn you'r rady, i hop you will find som wisdom and valu in what i shar with you.you ar young, and lif has yt to tak its toll on you, to throw disappointmnts and hartachs and lonlinss and struggls and pain into your path. you hav not bn worn down yt by long hours of thanklss work, by th slings and arrows of vryday lif.for this, b thankful. you ar at a wondrful stag of lif. you hav many wondrful stags of lif still to com, but thy ar not without thir costs and prils.i hop to hlp you along your path by sharing som of th bst of what i'v larnd. as with any advic, tak it with a grain of salt. what works for m might not work for you.lif can b crulthr will b popl in your lif who won't b vry nic. thy'll tas you bcaus you'r diffrnt, or for no good rason. thy might try to bully you or hurt you.thr's not much you can do about ths popl xcpt to larn to dal with thm, and larn to choos frinds who ar kind to you, who actually car about you, who mak you fl good about yourslf. whn you find frinds lik this, hold on to thm, trasur thm, spnd tim with thm, b kind to thm, lov thm.thr will b tims whn you ar mt with disappointmnt instad of succss. lif won't always turn out th way you want. this is just anothr thing you'll hav to larn to dal with. but instad of ltting ths things gt you down, push on. accpt disappointmnt and larn to prsvr, to pursu your drams dspit pitfalls. larn to turn ngativs into positivs, and you'll do much bttr in lif.you will also fac hartbrak and abandonmnt by thos you lov. i hop you don't hav to fac this too much, but it happns. again, not much you can do but to hal, and to mov on with your lif. lt ths pains bcom stpping stons to bttr things in lif, and larn to us thm to mak you strongr.but b opn to lif anywayys, you'll find crulty and suffring in your journy through lif &hllip; but don't lt that clos you to nw things. don't rtrat from lif, don't hid or wall yourslf off. b opn to nw things, nw xprincs, nw popl.you might gt your hart brokn 10 tims, but find th most wondrful woman th 11th tim. if you shut yourslf off from lov, you'll miss out on that woman, and th happist tims of your lif.you might gt tasd and bullid and hurt by popl you mt &hllip; and thn aftr mting dozns of jrks, find a tru frind. if you clos yourslf off to nw popl, and don't opn your hart to thm, you'll avoid pain &hllip; but also los out on mting som incrdibl popl, who will b thr during th toughst tims of your lif and crat som of th bst tims of your lif.you will fail many tims but if you allow that to stop you from trying, you will miss out on th amazing fling of succss onc you rach nw hights with your accomplishmnts. failur is a stpping ston to succss.lif isn't a comptitionyou will mt many popl who will try to outdo you, in school, in collg, at work. thy'll try to hav nicr cars, biggr houss, nicr cloths, coolr gadgts. to thm, lif is a comptition — thy hav to do bttr than thir prs to b happy.hr's a scrt: lif isn't a comptition. it's a journy. if you spnd that journy always trying to imprss othrs, to outdo othrs, you’r wasting your journy. instad, larn to njoy th journy. mak it a journy of happinss, of constant larning, of continual improvmnt, of lov.don't worry about having a nicr car or hous or anything matrial, or vn a bttr-paying job. non of that mattrs a whit, and non of it will mak you happir. you'll acquir ths things and thn only want mor. instad, larn to b satisfid with having nough — and thn us th tim you would hav wastd trying to arn mony to buy thos things &hllip; us that tim doing things you lov.find your passion, and pursu it doggdly. don't sttl for a job that pays th bills. lif is too short to wast on a job you hat.lov should b your rulif thr's a singl word you should liv your lif by, it should b this: lov. it might sound corny, i know &hllip; but trust m, thr's no bttr rul in lif.som would liv by th rul of succss. thir livs will b strssful, unhappy and shallow.othrs would liv by th rul of slfishnss — putting thir nds abov thos of othrs. thy will liv lonly livs, and will also b unhappy.still othrs will liv by th rul of rightousnss — trying to show th right path, and admonishing anyon who dosn't liv by that path. thy ar concrnd with othrs, but in a ngativ way, and in th nd will only hav thir own rightousnss to liv with, and that's a horribl companion.liv your lif by th rul of lov. lov your spous, your childrn, your parnts, your frinds, with all of your hart. giv to thm what thy nd, and show thm not crulty nor disapproval nor coldnss nor disappointmnt, but only lov. opn your soul to thm.lov not only your lovd ons, but your nighbors &hllip; your coworkrs &hllip; strangrs &hllip; your brothrs and sistrs in humanity. offr anyon you mt a smil, a kind word, a kind gstur, a hlping hand.lov not only nighbors and strangrs &hllip; but your nmy. th prson who is crulst to you, who has bn unkind to you &hllip; lov him. h is a torturd soul, and most in nd of your lov.and most of all, lov yourslf. whil othrs may criticiz you, larn not to b so hard on yourslf, to think that you’r ugly or dumb or unworthy of lov &hllip; but to think instad that you ar a wondrful human bing, worthy of happinss and lov &hllip; and larn to lov yourslf for who you ar.finally, know that i lov you and always will. you ar starting out on a wird, scary, daunting, but ultimatly incrdibly wondrful journy, and i will b thr for you whn i can. godspd.lov, your dad

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