电脑的利弊(Computers are good or not)
in th last hundrd yars,popl hav st a nw mind-blowing rat for th dvloping of nw tchnologis. nw producs ar bing concivd vry minut of vry day, all of which will impact popl in som rspcts.howvr,in all ths tchnologis and producs computrs hav bn th most important influncs on popl. som popl assrt that computrs hav mad lif mor complx and strssful, whil som popl bliv that computrs hav mad lif asir and mor convnint. from my point of viw, th advantags of computrs ar th lading sids and computrs bcom a ncssary part in popl's livs.prhaps computrs may quickn our pac of lif and mak our lif mor complx and strssful. with th dvlopmnt of computrs almost vry jobs nd popl who ar wll up in computr tchnology. popl, who want to find a good job, must larn how to us computrs. on on hand,th computr tchnology is a vry complx subjct. if you want to us computrs vry wll, you must tak a lot of tim to study and practic it.on th othr hand, computrs dvlop so fast that popl must study nw tchnology constantly. thos all mak popl fl strssful. vn though thr may b on or two disadvantags to dvlop computrs, th advantags fast outwigh thm. th major point for my pnchant for computrs is that computrs can hlp popl do many things, including complx computation, storing and sarching information and som work that is dangrous for popl to do. for instanc launching a rockt up to outr pac nds so complx computation that popl can not do it without computrs; sarching th nwst information is of vital importanc for businss, so popl will not b succss in businss without computrs.computrs hav facilitatd many of our working procsss and w hav alrady grown dpndnt on thm. anothr advantag of computrs is that popl can us thm for ntrtainmnt in spar tim. from pc gams to onlin chatting, computrs hav th ability to ntrtain us in a wid vrity of ways. aftr a busy day, playing pc gams is th favorit thing of most of my classmats.and in today's lif, a lot of young popl could hav not tlvisions, but thy must hav a st of computr. now many films display fascinating imags by using computrs to dal with thm. in a word in spit of th fact th computr appars to hav mad lif mor complx and strssful, i fll that th advantags ar mor obvious. computrs hav bcom an intgral part of vryday lif. thy can hlp us do much work and mak us funny.