字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 The Hope Project-希望工程,The Hope Project-希望工程范文

The Hope Project-希望工程,The Hope Project-希望工程范文

初中生作文   2025-02-19

Th Hop Projct-希望工程,Th Hop Projct-希望工程范文Th Hop Projct-希望工程



今天我们的老师告诉我们关于希望工程的事。我们知道在农村还有许多孩子没有机会上学。老师说:“他们太穷了不能去上学。”下课后,我回到家看了放有我零花钱的小盒子。我本想为自己买一个新书包。但现在我想农村的孩子渴望上学,于是我决定把我的钱寄给他们。我立刻给他们写信,写完后,我去邮局,把信连同我所有的零花钱寄了出去。我希望这钱能对他们有帮助。 Today our tachr told us somthing about th Hop Projct. W hard that many childrn in th countrysid still had no chanc to go to school. "Thy ar too poor to go," th tachr said. Aftr th class, I wnt back hom and saw th littl box in which I savd my pockt mony. I wantd to buy myslf a nw school bag. But now I thought of th country childrn who longd to go to school. So I dcidd to snd my mony to thm. I startd to writ a lttr to thm right away. Aftr finishing it, I wnt to th post offic and maild th lttr togthr with all my pockt mony. I hop it could hlp. Th Hop Projct-希望工程

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