字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 Smoking And Health(吸烟与健康)

Smoking And Health(吸烟与健康)

高中生作文   2025-02-20

Smoking And Halth

Today smoking is a widsprad habit ali ovr th world. Not only th old, th youth, but also middl school studnts hav bn ngagd in smoking. Many of thm think that smoking is a smart symbol.

Howvr, smoking is harmful to on's ,halth. It contributs a lot of lung cancr, from which many popl hav did in th past yars. It can also caus many othr disass. In a word, if you smok, you do hav a much gratr chanc of losing your halth. Furthrmor, scintific rsarch shows that smoking is not only harmful to smokrs thmslvs, but also a thrat to public halth, spcially to womn and childrn. Thrfor, many countris hav mad laws forbidding smokrs to smok m public placs such as cinmas, stations, hospitals, and so on Givup smoking! If you don't smok, don't start. Giv upsmoking for th sak of your halth, for th sak of your family, and for th sak of th whol world. 吸烟与健康




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