字典翻译 作文 读后感作文 选读推荐 英文-To Live Happily All the Time

英文-To Live Happily All the Time

选读推荐   2025-03-01

To Liv Happily All th Tim——about “Thr Mn in A Boat”

李 想 北京一零一中学高一阅读书目:三怪客泛舟记 Thr Mn in a Boat (书虫· 牛津英汉双语读物)

Most fairy tals nd lik this:“Thy liv happily vr aftr.” But to Gorg, Harris and J, “vr aftr” is far from nough. Thir blif is to liv happily ALL TH TIM. Who ar ths thr guys? Thy ar th “bstst” pals from a humorous nglish book — Thr Mn in A Boat.

Just tak a look at ths thr funny guys: You can mt thm anywhr at any tim. All of thm hav grat aspirations and plnty of passion. But in th morning, non of thm lik to wak up arly. All of thm want to b grat xplorrs. But on rainy days, thy all prfr to stay by th warm firplac. Ys, it’s our Harris, Gorg and J. And now, thy ar taking a vacation on th famous Thams.

Thy startd off in a littl boat, which non of thm would lik to driv. Thy kpt xplaining that thy didn’t com out for fun—thy wr taking a rst bcaus of som so calld “dradful disas”. Whn thy wr travling, thy couldn’t stop making joks on othrs. Whn thy wr cooking, thy couldn’t stop th ggs from gtting on thir pans. whn thy finally gav up th boat and wnt hom by train, thy still couldn’t stop tlling ach othr how clvr it was to b “thr mn out of boat”……

Such a simpl story has brought m lots of laughr and thoughts. I laughd ovr thir funny troubls and funny talkings all along th trip. And also I found that I cam to admir thm aftr laughing ach tim. Bcaus whn thy mt somthing in troubl, or thir own complicatd jobs cam, first, thy would burst into laughtr at onc, and thn startd to solv th problm slowly with partinc and happinss. Somtims I was surprisd by thm. Bcaus somthing that happns in our daily lif such as losing th wallt, or a bad wathr, will mak vry on of us complain and b upst for long. But how about th thr mn in th boat? Thy will crtainly laugh at it first! Thy giggl, thy grin, thy smil. Thy hav taught m how to laugh at troubl, to smil at hard work, and to laugh away tars. It’s a good way to fac my blu days. As a studnt, I always complain about my homwork, my parnts, and my classmats. But Gorg, Harris and J told m: thr’s no point in complaining. Just fac your lif and try to find th good sid of vrything. And also rmmbr to chrish frindship—lik th thr of thm.

Ys, ys. Somtims thy smd to b “cynical” or “lazy”. But th fir of liv, dilignc, and happinss is burning in thir harts all th tim. To thm, th so calld “dradful disas” is only an xcus for thir going out to rlax. To thm, all th troubl is th chanc to us both patinc and laughtr. To thm, all th hard work is th gift from God to mak thm strongr and happir.

Don’t just star at th “happy nding” of “living happily vry aftr”. Think about th thr mn in th boat. Thy ar common guys lik you and m. But thy ar all vry grat—Thy hav th ability to mak thmslvs liv happily ALL TH TIM.

标签: 青海 游记 翻越 祁连山
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