字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 My Father During SARS-非典时期的爸爸,My Father During SARS-

My Father During SARS-非典时期的爸爸,My Father During SARS-

初中生作文   2025-02-22

My Fathr During SARS-非典时期的爸爸,My Fathr During SARS-My Fathr During SARS-非典时期的爸爸 妈妈去了“非典”一线,已有半个多月未回家了,爸爸每天忙碌着上班和照顾我,他从不抱怨,我知道他也在为妈妈担心,我有一个多么好的爸爸啊! My Fathr During SARS

My mothr wnt to fight against SARS in hospital. Sh had not bn back for ovr half a month. My fathr was busy at work and looking aftr m. H did vrything without complain. I knw h was worrying about mothr. What a good fathr I hav. My Fathr During SARS-非典时期的爸爸

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