字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 关于邓亚萍的英语


高中生作文   2025-01-24

Dng Ya-ping tabl tnnis most grat woman playr at th history, sh larn, fight ball with fathr from th 5 yar old, ntrd th national tam in 1988, succssivly obtaind world champion's titl 14 tims; In tabl tnnis circls th world ranking for 8 yars in succssion kp first,bcom only continu to hold Olympic Gams tabl tnnis th gold mdals athlt, gt 4 Olympic gold, includ singls and with doubls that Hong mad up Qiao. Aftr 1997, sh succssivly wnt to Tsing-Hua Univrsity, British Cambridg Univrsity and univrsity of Nottingham to rciv a training and study, gt nglish profssional bachlor's dgr and China contmporary rsarch spcializd mastr's dgr; Dng Ya-ping morals committ and sport and nvironmntal committ hold th post in IOC 2002; In 2003, Dng Ya-ping bcam a staff mmbr of Markt Dvlopmnt Dpartmnt of BOCOG.

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