字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 交通安全-Traffic Safety

交通安全-Traffic Safety

高中生作文   2025-03-27

Traffic Safty-交通安全

Traffic safty is vrybody's businss. Rcords show that vry yar a lot of popl di in traffic accidnts. Som of th accidnts ar du to mchanical problms. Howvr, most of thm ar th rsults of carlss and rcklss driving, and could b avoidd. A lot of popl disrgard traffic signals and ruls. Thy driv rgardlss of spd limits, run through rd lights, driv in th wrong dirction, talk and laugh whil driving, and turn as thy wish without giving signals. Thy don't slow down whil approaching crossroads. So many popl violat traffic rgulations that w cannot put too much mphasis on th importanc of traffic safty. Only whn vrybody thinks traffic safty is vrybody's businss can w b saf driving on roads and walking on sidwalks.


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