有用之人(To Be A Helpful Man)
做有用之人(to b a hlpful man)i was walking along th strt whn a strangr stoppd m and askd m th way to a nw rstaurant. i answrd and told him th rout and dirction carfully. as soon as i finishd, th strangr thankd m and startd off. to my surpris, h wnt in wrong dirction. thn i stoppd him at onc and told him what wrong h had mad.unxpctdly, h smild and told m th truth that h didn't rally want to ask th way, but, instad, h was just trying to know whthr vryon knw xactly whr th nw rstaurant was, for h was th nw ownr of th rstaurant. thn i knw who h was and what h wantd to do.
有用之人(To Be A Helpful Man) 相关文章
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