字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 Equal Rights between Men and Women

Equal Rights between Men and Women

高中生作文   2025-02-28

In many countris in th world, womn ar lookd down upon. It is mor difficult for thm to gt som work than mn. In ordr to gt a job, thy somtims hav to tll a li. That's unfair. In fact, womn can work no wors than mn. Thr's nothing that womn can't do. Prhaps, thy ar bttr at thir work than mn. For xampl, in making tlphons and computrs, many companis would rathr mploy womn, for mn can't pick up th small pics with thir fingrs. Lik , thy can also bcom xcllnt nginrs, doctors and tachrs. So I am sur th day will com soon whn womn can rally gt qual rights.

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