字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 一堂英语课-An English Class

一堂英语课-An English Class

初中生作文   2025-03-11

一堂英语课-An nglish Class W got th nws bfor th nglish Class that som forign tachrs would visit our class. Th tachrs, cam from a middl school in Nw York. W flt nrvous and xcitd.

Th bll rang and th forign tachrs cam into th classroom. W ach sat on th sats silntly. A woman tachr cam to my dsk, with a smil on hr fac. "Hllo, nic to mt you! "Sh said clarly and slowly. Just now I wasn't nrvous any mor. W talkd with ach othr for a whil. Sh thought my nglish was good. I thankd hr and flt vry happy. 上课前我们得知一些外国老师要来参观我们班,他们来自纽约的一所中学。我们感到兴奋和紧张。

上课铃响了,外国老师走进教室。我们每个人静静地坐在座位上。一位女老师微笑着走到我的桌边。“你好,很高兴见到你。”她讲得很清晰,很慢,我立刻不再紧张了。我们交谈了一会,她说我的英语很好。我谢了她,心里很高兴。 W got th nws bfor th nglish class that som forign tachrs from a middl school in Nw York would visit our class. W flt xcitd and nrvous.

Th bll rang and th forign tachrs cam into th classroom. Thy spok to us in nglish on by on. Thy spok nglish clarly and slowly. A woman tachr cam to my dsk, with a smil on hr fac. "Hllo! Nic to mt you! "sh said frindly. I answrd hr. Thn sh askd m som simpl qustions. W talkd With ach othr for a whil. "Your nglish is vry good,"sh said. I thankd hr and flt vry happy. Thn I dcidd to study nglish hardr than bfor. 上课前,我们得知来自纽约一所中学的一些外国老师将参观我们班,我们感到兴奋和紧张。


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