Getting up Early ts a Good Habit(早起是个好习惯),Getting up
Gtting up arly ts a Good Habit(早起是个好习惯) 由 Gtting up arly ts a Good Habit
Gtting up arly has bn rgardd as a good habit sinc ancint tims. Many yars ago, popl thought that if w wnt to bd arly and got up arly, w would b vigorous th whol day.
In fact, spring is th bst sasonof a yar; morning is th bst tim of a day.In th morning, th air is th frshst and popl ar usually in th bst conditions.Many of us may hav th xprincs that w mmoriz som things mor quickly and accuratly in th morning than at any othr tim of th day. If w do som xrciss or only tak a short walk in th morning, w will b full of nrgy th whol day.Also w will hav nough tim to prpar our work of th day if w gt up arly. In short, gtting up arly can do us a lot of good.
Lt us rmmbr gtting up arly is a good habit and try our bst to kp it. W will crtainly bnfit a lot from it. 早起是个好习惯
让我们记住早起是个好习惯,并尽量保持这种习惯,我们必将从中受益不少。 Gtting up arly ts a Good Habit(早起是个好习惯) 由