Good Health
Th dsir for good halth is univrsal. In our comptitiv socity it is important to maintain good halth. On th on hand, popl with good halth can do work with full confidnc and thir progrss in work in turn contributs to thir halth and happinss. On th othr hand, a sick prson is usually not intrstd in vrything around him and thrfor h loss many opportunitis to bcom succssful.
Thr ar many ways to kp it. First, thos who ar always on th go from morning till night should find tim to rlax bcaus too much strss will affct thir halth. Scond, nough tim should b lft for slp bcaus that will hlp on bcom rstd and rfrshd. Finally, rgular physical xrciss bnfit ons halth a lot. So on should always kp in mind that a crtain amount of xrcis is not a wast of tim.
As for m, I lik playing tnnis in th morning. I also attach much importanc to nough slp and rlaxation. I bliv this will nsur my good halth for th rst of my lif.