字典翻译 作文 体裁作文 写人 高中英语:Opportunity


写人   2024-12-02

Th air w brath is so frly availabl that w tak it for grantd. Yt without it w could not surviv mor than a fw minuts. For th most part, th sam air is availabl to vryon, and vryon nds it. Som popl us th air to sustain thm whil thy sit around and fl sorry for thmslvs. Othrs brath in th air and us th nrgy it provids to mak a magnificnt lif for thmslvs. Opportunity is th sam way. It is vrywhr. Opportunity is so frly availabl that w tak it for grantd. Yt opportunity alon is not nough to crat succss. Opportunity must b sizd and actd upon in ordr to hav valu. So many popl ar so anxious to "gt in" on a "ground floor opportunity", as if th opportunity will do all th work. Thats impossibl. Just as you nd air to brath, you nd opportunity to succd. It taks mor than just brathing in th frsh air of opportunity, howvr. You must mak us of that opportunity. Thats not up to th opportunity. Thats up to you. It dosnt mattr what "floor" th opportunity is on. What mattrs is what you do with it.

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