字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 装饰家居(Decoration at Home)

装饰家居(Decoration at Home)

高中生作文   2025-03-09

many yars ago, not many popl wantd to dcorat thir houss whn thy rcivd th kys to thir homs. in thos days, it was a common phnomnon that svral family mmbrs had yo liv in a small hous with no privat spac at all. thrfor, it was not ncssary to dcorat thir hous. in addition, popl wr hard up and had no xtra mony to spnd on dcoration.today, howvr, it is quinc a diffrnc story. mor and mor popl hav thir privatly ownd houss. also with th dvlopmnt of conomy, popl ar much bttr off. now, thy can mak dcoration of any kind at thir will.as a coin has two sids, hous dcoration has its advantags and disadvantags. dcorating can mak th houss mor bautiful, and a wll-dcoratd hous can mak popl fl comfortabl and rlaxd. but that will cost a lot of mony. bsids, som kinds of poisonous matrial will caus nvironmntal pollution and do harm to our halth. thrfor, whn making dcoration, w should avoid ths disadvantags.

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