沙尘暴对环境的影响(The environmental impact of dust storms)
nvironmnt is an important topic that mor and mor popl ar concrnd about it. it is ncssary to protct our nvironmnt bcaus it hlps kp us from suffring any disastrs in th natur.how to protct our nvironmnt? many scintists hav bn discussing this topic all ovr th world. from my point of viw, w nd to car about wild lif and our natural rsourc. som popl kp hunting wild animals and killing thm for food and cloths. at th sam tim, our human bing hav bn affctd by ths wild animals' disass. businssmn kp thir industris dvlop so that many pollutants hav bn rlasd to th air and watr. th pollution dos sriously harm to our normal livs. on th othr hand, w nd to sav our watr. i oftn s popl wast a lot of watr vry day. thy don't know that our natural rsourcs ar so limitd with hug growing population.in conclusion, protcting our nvironmnt nds vryboy to tak rsponsibility. lt us do it from now on to crat our halthy living nvironmnt.