考试之后(After the Examination)
考试之后(Aftr th xamination)scors ar undoubtdly important for studnts. so today whn i saw th scor, 96,on my chins tst papr, my happinss was byond words. i blivd that mum would also b vry happy and prhaps sh would rward m.as soon as i got hom, i raisd th tst papr bfor mum and said proudly, "mum, look at my scor!" out of my xpctation,mum said calmly, "good, but i hop you can find out th rason why four points wr takn away." haring th words, i stood in amazmnt at first. thn i undrstood mum's words and noddd with all my strngth.thn iundrstood that th most important thing that w gt from xaminations is not whthr w hav got high scors but whthr w know what w hav graspd and what w havn't.“考试之后”英语作文译文:成绩对学生来说无疑是重要的,所以今天当我看到语文试卷上的96分时,我高兴得无以言表。我相信妈妈也会为此高兴,可能她还会奖励我呢。我一到家就将卷子高举到妈妈面前,骄傲地说:“妈妈,看我的成绩!”出乎我的意料,妈妈平静地说:"很好,但是我希望你能找到丢掉另外四分的原因。”听到这些话,一开始我惊愕地站在那里,然后我理解了妈妈的话,用力地点了点头。我明白了我们从考试中得到的最重要的东西不是我们是否得到了高分,而是我们是否知道自己学到了什么,没有学到什么。