字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 English Composition Selection(II)

English Composition Selection(II)

高中生作文   2025-03-07

Is a Training Class or Family Tachr Ncssary?伍琴(七班)Mor and mor middl school studnts ar going to all kinds of training classs or having family tachrs at th wknd. Thr ar two diffrnt viwpoints about it.On th on hand, som think that studying following th family tachrs is bttr than slf study. It can not only strngthn what you’v larnt at school, but hlp you larn mor usful things as wll.On th othr hand, som popl who hav th diffrnt opinion considr it a wast of tim and mony, for many training classs and family tachrs ar just working for mony, you can not larn somthing rally usful thr, and thus los th tim of rlaxing yourslvs.In my opinion, as studnts, w should rally know whthr w nd a training class or family tachr. First, mak sur that you nd thm, and thy would b hlpful, thn choos a rasonabl on. Just rmmbr, onc you start and nvr giv up.点评:文章思路清晰,结构紧凑,行文流畅,衔接自然,用词准确,值得借鉴(赵守斌)Is a Training Class or Family Tachr Ncssary?(14班 王怡)Mor and mor middl school studnts ar going to all kinds of training classs or having family tachrs at th wknd .Thr ar two diffrnt viwpoints about it.Som popl think that going to training class or having family tachrs can not only strngthn th knowldg th studnts hav larnd but also hlp thm to study bttr .What’s mor ,studnts can gain som knowldg that hasn’t bn told in class.Howvr ,som othrs hav an opposit opinion in thir opinion ,this kind of study can mak studnts passiv in thir studis and always dpnd on othrs .What’s wors ,som Training Class and Family tachrs car not studnts but mony .So it’s a wast of mony .Studnts nd hav a rst aftr school .Th Training Class will tak up most of thir spar tim .In my opinion ,both viwpoints ar rasonabl .Th choic should dpnd on which on is fit for th studnts himslf .If h’s good at slf-studying ,h may stay at hom and study by himslf if h dos wll in listning to what tachrs say ,studying in Training Class would also b a good choic .本习作条理清晰,层次清楚,观点名确且紧扣主题.语句通顺,尚能达意.一些小词用得也恰倒好处.只是个别句子还不够简洁,今后应注意锤炼句子.(点评教师:冯辉)Is a Training Class or Family Tachr Ncssary?Stphn Shan from Grad Two Class Thr单博(高二3班)Mor and mor middl school studnts ar going to all kinds of training classs or having family tachrs at th wknd. Thr ar two diffrnt viwpoints about it.Som popl hold th opinion that a training class or family tachr is ncssary. Thy bliv that following a tachr is bttr than doing slf-studis. During ths “wknds studis” studnts cannot only strngthn th knowldg thy hav larnt in class, but also larn mor things.On th othr hand, som popl think that it’s not ncssary to hav a training class or a family tachr. Thir idas ar as follows:本作文共4页,当前在第1页1234

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