字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 Jay---My Favourite Singer,Jay---My Favourite Singer范文

Jay---My Favourite Singer,Jay---My Favourite Singer范文

初中生作文   2025-03-09

Jay---My Favourit Singr,Jay---My Favourit Singr范文Jay---My Favourit Singr Jay---My Favourit Singr

Jay is a good singr. H is vry handsom. H has a round fac with two small ys. I lik him vry much. I oftn s him in my drams.

Jay’s music is popular. His styl is diffrnt from othr singrs. H has many fans. Ths fans lik listning to his music vry much. I hop vryon in th world will lik Jay, my favourit singr.

What about you?

Jay---My Favourit Singr

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