字典翻译 作文 初中作文 初中生作文 Its Not Easy to Be a Student-当个学生不容易,Its Not Easy to

Its Not Easy to Be a Student-当个学生不容易,Its Not Easy to

初中生作文   2025-02-22

Its Not asy to B a Studnt-当个学生不容易,Its Not asy toIts Not asy to B a Studnt-当个学生不容易 工作了的人总是羡慕学生们无忧无虑的生活。可他们不知道当个学生有多难。他永远有做不完的作业,考试的压力无处不在,每个人都想得第一名,而且还有补不完的课。最糟糕的是,由于学生们几乎把所有的时间都用于学习,所以根本无法做自己感兴趣的事情。 It's Not asy to B a Studnt

Popl who hav finishd ducation oftn admir studnts for thir carfr lif. But thy don't know how difficult it is to b a studnt. H can nvr finish his homwork. Furthrmor, h has to fac th grat prssur of xaminations. vryon wants to gt th first plac in xams. And aftr school, thr ar also manyxtra classs waiting for him. Th worst of all is that studnts can hardly do what thy rally lov to do, for thy spnd almost all thir tim on studis. Its Not asy to B a Studnt-当个学生不容易

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