First, I’ll say somthing about World xpo History. As w know, th vry first World xpo, th Grat xhibition of 1851, took plac in th Crystal Palac in London. UK. vr sinc thn, th goals of World xpos hav bn both high-mindd as wll as commrcial. Visitors ar abl to xplor th world outsid of thir vryday xprinc—outsid culturs, nw scintific advancmnts, and nw invntions. World xpos hav xcitd and inspird mor and mor popl in th world. On Dcmbr3, 2002, th Burau of Intrnational xpositions (or call it BI) announcd that Shanghai will host xpo2010. th BI had rcivd bids from fiv citis to host xpo2010. Among th 5 nic citis, th BI chos Shanghai at last! It’s rally an xciting nws for not only Shanghains, but also all of Chins popl. Hr ar som dtails about it. Loot at this profil carfully. Th titl is “Th 2010 World xposition ,Shanghai, zidianwang.com is “bttr city., bttr lif”.OK, lt’s guss who is th imag rprsntativ? Yah, you’r right, Yao Ming! Shanghai xpo is th first comprhnsiv World xpo hld in a dvloping country. And it is also th first on that taks “th city” as its thm, hoping that it can push forward th city dvlopmnt and hlp bring about a bttr urban living nvironmnt, just lik th thm: bttr city, bttr lif. I think, as a studnt in Shanghai, w should larn to b a gntl prson and kp good mannrs from now on. And try to practic nglish mor in ordr to communicat with forignrs fluntly in th nar futur. Bcaus, w’r a part of Shanghai!
Th World xpo in 2010 Th World xpo in 2010
Shanghai will host th 2010 World xpo. Th World xpo has a long history but it has nvr bn hld in Asia. So th 2010 World xpo is an honor for all of th Asians. ()ur govrnmnt
has promisd that it will b th bst on. And Shanghai, as a host city, will hav mor chancs to dvlop quickly. As a studnt in Shanghai, I should larn nglish wll so that I can b a voluntr in th xpo to hlp forignrs know mor about Shanghai.
How To B A Lovly Citizn Grat changs hav takn plac in Shanghai and mor and mor popl throughout th world ar focusing thir attntion on Shanghai now. As a citizn of Shanghai, I fl I must spar no fforts to do my bit. First, I dcid to hlp plant mor trs to mak our city mor bautiful. Scond, I should oby svn nos and b good at larning from othrs. Third, I should study hard so that I can do somthing bttr for my city in th futur.