A Review on A Tale of Two Cities
Th tal is mainly about th rvolution in Franc, though th author wrot quit a lot about th lov triangl btwn Luci, Charls and Sydny. But I thought Dickns mainly wantd to tll us th socity problm and th background at that tim.
In this novl, Dickns wrot som livly imags lik Sydny and thos crazy rvolutionaris. In this tal, w can’t s any absolut rols. Charls, though h was a brav and good man, obviously h hasn’t as much ability as Sydny. Sydny, a typical tragic man in novls, a man lik him, usually has grat ability—if h wants to do somthing, nobody can prvnt him. But h usually has som wak points on charactrs and th most important thing is that h always lovs a woman h shouldn’t lov and 99.99% di for hr at last in an xtrmly hroic or tragic way. Th rvolutionaris in th tal is not as full of justic and poor as usual. Thy got mad whn thy can gt rvng for thir unfair tratmnt. Th fir of hatrd burnt vrything. Whn thy wr at th bottom of th socity, thy wr calling for justic, for fair tratmnt, for frdom, but whn thy wr in charg of th socity, thir world is up-sid-down, so it thir judgmnt of th socity. Thy hat vrything that connctd to th vry popl who wr against thm, vn including Charls’ wif, Dr Mantt’s daughtr. So ths mn ar no diffrnc than thos formr govrnors at hart.
Though Dickns told us how th authority is rcycling ovr and ovr again in som way, th novl is about somthing good. Lov from Sydny to Luci is on of th only fw bright points in th novl and it’s rally grat. A man can sacrific his lif to sav his lovr’s husband. H dos not hav any prsonal purpos and just for his lovr’s happinss. So Dickns may imply us, only lov can solv th problms btwn popl, btwn th poor and th rich, lov is vrything.