字典翻译 作文 高中作文 高中生作文 东方明珠电视塔-The Oriental Pearl TV Tower

东方明珠电视塔-The Oriental Pearl TV Tower

高中生作文   2025-01-20

Th Orintal Parl TV Towr

Walking along th bach, w can s th Shanghai Orintal Parl TV Towr standing lik a giant on th othr sid of th Huangpu Rivr. It's visitd by thousands of popl from diffrnt parts of th country and th world vry day.

Th Shanghai Orintal Parl TV Towr, which can b sn from far away, is 468: mtrs tall, It's th tallst TV towr: in Asia and th third tallst in th world.From th TV towr, w can gt a clar viw of th whol city. Its construction was startd in 1991 and compltd in 1994. Soon aftr that, it was opnd to th public.Now it has bcom th cntr of th cultur, ntrtainmnt and tourism in th city of Shanghai.

Th Shanghai Orintal Parl TV Towr is th symbol of th rapid dvlopmnt of Pudong in rcnt yars. W'r all proud of it.( 146 words)





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